wwwoooooooowwww i forgot that i had a blog xD its been soooo long i think like 2 years?coz my last post was 2008 and its 2010! hahaha anywayz i shall start over again and edit some stuff coz the pictures arreee reeeaalllyyy old its from my first year days and im going to be a senior this school year ohh noooeess >.<>.< so they dont know what im capable of ;;) i was still an unnoticeable person :Dohh and one more thing, i like sir sonny our teacher in general science coz he sleeps a lot in class which is funny coz while he's sleeping we watch him and make noises but he doesnt wake up :)) even in our first defense! he was sleeping!! and when its done he's awake then he'll start grading us with a high grade =)) so thats about it im just making it short so that it wouldnt be thhaat boring haha
on to the next! so 2nd year! well now were in biology! which is cool and fun! i always had high grades coz biology is pretty much easy :D and the disecting stuff (eewwww but cool :))=)) ) haha
and about what im capable of...well their starting to know more about me coz im showing them :D like i can play the piano,drums,violin and guitar :D me and my friends made a band and i became their drummer :D:D though were just noobs so were not that good xD and theeenn what elllssee oh in theatre im getting better :D i'm not the "extra" anymore, i get the lead roles now but the only thing is....i always get the guy roles -.- hahaha coz i have a low voice and they say that i look good when im a guy o.o? :)) i dunno what they were thinking <,< xD anywayz what elllssee?.... wweeellll we have a new teacher in filipino which is miss sandra but we call her miss sandz :D but she left after :( we were all sad and some even cry...well i was about to cry but i didnt :)) well thats about it i guess.....
this is our feast day :D our theme was royalty thats why were dressed like princesses and we have tiny crowns :D and its the first time that ms. Leah allowed us to have like water games like throwing water balloons at eachother as long as we have change of clothes :D and the lucky thing is it rained! so we were all in the rain xD but the next day a lot were sick haha good thing im healthy! ohh yesss xD
moving on to junniiooorrss! or 3rd year!:D:D hoorraaahh well for me being a junior is the bbeesst coz we had a looooot of activities! fun fun! so in junior we have chemistry -.- ugghh haha :)) well at first it was rrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaallllllllyyyyy hhaaarrrd!!! coz we were like o.o? coz chemistry was never introduced to us -.- thats why on the first quarter i had an average grade in chemistry then we had geometry :D which is pretty much easy for me at first but as time passes it gets harder and harder but i can manage i guess :D annnd trigonometry -.- i...no actually WE dont like our teacher in trigonometry coz he keeps on talking to the board -.- shheessh we never understood what he was trying to teach us ughh anywayz... we also had soirree its a meeting of our batch to a batch in an all boys school coz were all girls so its basically just an interaction with an all boys school, there were games and food and stuff, we met with paref northfield aannd ateneo :) and theenn we had prom! it was fun :D and then :O in sports fest the seniors won by 2 points overall we were like wwhhaatt?? only two points! daaarn we could have won! we were angry at sir Anton that time because he cheated on us -.- in kickball he keeps on giving us fouls even though we dont do anything like come on! even the crowd is shouting what the hell?? and the other teachers! he keeps on insisting in giving those stupid fouls -.- stupid teacher :)) anywayz we also had our quinciƱera its a celebration where we dance with our dads its like a debut but not so formal:D then....uhhh...i had so many fun with my peers coz this year is where we had aaa lloooooot of outings together we even had sleep overs for the first time :)) hahaha
well thats about it for the 3rd year days!!
oh and i learned wushu :D its a martial arts where in there is grace at the same time strength
and this is our class pic :D:D it was the last day of school ;-( so sad a lot cried coz we really enjoyed being a junior and sir Gene being our adviser! it was sosossososoooo fun!
and now its suummmmaaahhhh! i am having JRP or John Robert Powers every saturday this summer and every monday and wednesday i have piano and guitar lessons :D yeah....and its holy week tomorrow but were gonna stay home coz nobody wants to go out :)) well not out as in like outside!=)) haha out like states or maybe somewhere in the province :D
this is a pic of me in JRP
oh and i learned how to use DSLR :D:D
annnd me and my brother started cosplaying!:D:D we cosplayed first in enchanted kingdom where the theme is otaku kingdom :D me as tenma tsukamoto from school rumble and him as harima kenji and after that i became dokuro chan from bokusatsu tenshi dokurochan then my brother became auron from final fantasy X
and goooooosssshhh im gonna be a senior in school! were going to be the "ate" now (ate= sister) and and and were gonna be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy little fun time now coz we need to focuse more on studying since were graduating already and and and were gonna take sooo many tests -.- well im going to take HRIM in college :D:D so thats about all *breathes* phheewww! thats a lot! my arms hurt :))=))
hope to update more next time! and i wont be taking too long like 2 years this time :))=))